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suitcase being packing for vacation
The Ultimate Packing Guide

Ah, the eternal traveler's dilemma: what to pack, what to leave behind, and how to avoid the dreaded overpacking syndrome. Fear not, fellow wanderers, for I come bearing the ultimate guide to packing success, gleaned from over a decade of globetrotting adventures!

1. Embrace Minimalism

In the battle between suitcase bulge and packing zen, minimalism reigns supreme. Channel your inner Marie Kondo and ask yourself: "Does this spark joy? Will I actually use it?" If the answer is a resounding "meh," leave it behind. Trust me, the freedom of a lighter load is worth it.

2. Master the Essentials

First rule of thumb: gear up like a boss. From laptops to universal power adapters, arm yourself with the tools of the trade. And for the bookworms among us, a Kindle is a space-saving savior. Remember, less is more when it comes to gadgets!

3. Dress for Success

When it comes to clothing, less is more. Think mix-and-match versatility with a side of practicality. Pack light, breathable fabrics and bid adieu to bulky sweaters (unless you're headed for the Arctic, of course). And never underestimate the power of a trusty towel.

4. Prepare for the Unexpected

A well-stocked medical kit is your best friend in times of trouble. Band-Aids for blisters, Tylenol for headaches, and a trusty hand sanitizer for, well, everything else. Don't forget the key to hassle-free hostel living: a sturdy lock to keep your belongings safe and sound.

5. Embrace the Extraordinary

In the realm of travel, it's the little things that make all the difference. A compact headlamp for impromptu adventures, ziplock bags for organization nirvana, and a LifeStraw for hydration on the go — because you never know when you'll stumble upon the perfect picnic spot.

6. Size Matters

When it comes to backpacks, bigger isn't always better. Opt for a compact companion that keeps your packing impulses in check. Remember, a smaller bag equals fewer temptations to overpack — it's the ultimate travel hack!

In Conclusion: Less is More

So there you have it, fellow adventurers — the secret sauce to stress-free packing and blissful travels. While my packing list may not be the holy grail for everyone, it's a tried-and-tested formula that keeps me roaming the globe with ease. Remember, the true beauty of travel lies not in the possessions we carry, but in the memories we make along the way. So pack light, pack smart, and let the journey unfold! 🌍✈️


My Packing List Checklist:

This is the actual list I use when traveling. Obviously, I pick and choose what's important based on the destination.

  • Sunscreen

  • After sun lotion 

  • Bath towels

  • Beach towels

  • Blankets

  • Hair dryer

  • Makeup

  • Contacts 

  • Glasses 

  • Sunglasses 

  • Medications

  • Ponytail

  • Nail clippers/nail file

  • Shampoo/conditioner/body wash

  • Lotion

  • Hair brush

  • Toothbrush 

  • Deodorant

  • Razor

  • Laptop

  • Charger

  • Charger pack

  • Headphones

  • Waterproof phone camera case

  • Slippers 

  • Socks 

  • Hiking boots 

  • Gym shoes 

  • Sandals

  • Shower Sandals

  • Swimsuits 

  • Swim coverup 

  • Rain gear

  • Pjs 

  • Shorts 

  • Tshirts 

  • Hoodies 

  • Sweatpants 

  • Jeans 

  • Underwear 

  • Passport

  • Itinerary/documents

  • Backpack/purse

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